
Posted by barb on Sep 22, 2003 in Wedding |

  • Possible favors — moon and sun shaped soaps. I bought some materials at Michael’s on Saturday to try and make them myself. This is something that could be done well in advance, as long as the soaps were stored in a relatively cool place (don’t want them melting)
  • Possible centerpieces — use navy and yellow pillar candles in combination with a small flower arrangement. I need to play around with this a bit, and see what fresh-cut flowers are available this time of year. Possible downfall — I would need to either arrange the flowers myself or enlist a friend or two who aren’t yet directly involved in the wedding.
  • Bouquets — here, too, I think we could just use some flowers that are fresh-cut and tie them with a nice ribbon. Either we could have the florist do this, or order flowers ourselves. The Bridal Bargins book pointed to a California florist online, 2G Roses, who do overnight deliveries of flowers, and it’s possible to get roses for less than $1 per stem. They have a list of flowers that are in season for each month — delphiniums are the only blue flower, and are available in September and October. However, they don’t deliver cosmos, the October flower, because they don’t travel well. I might want to look these up at a local florist to see if its something I want to include.
  • Reception Ideas — Brides magazine had a list of 30 things they like to see at weddings, and one struck me as something I would like to include in ours. One was to have wedding pictures from the family at the reception, so we could have wedding pictures from Mom and Dad, his Mom and Dad, our brothers, and maybe our grandparents somehow incorporated into the reception site.
  • “Rice” Substitute — there are three things I like: seeds, bubbles, and a sweet-smelling send-off mix from exclusively weddings. (Hmmmm, they don’t seem to have it anymore on their website. Oh well.) I’m thinking that bubbles are the most appropriate, considering how much I love to play with them.
  • Cameras — I do want to have one or two of those disposable cameras on each table for guests to take pictures at the reception.

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