Another Migraine

Posted by barb on Oct 24, 2003 in Uncategorized |

I don’t remember last year being this bad; though, I do remember that during either my first or second year at the University of Maryland that I had a week in September where I had three. At least these are separating themselves by a week or so.

While I was laying in bed yesterday, I thought of what the pain reminded me of (I couldn’t fall asleep because there was so much pain, so I was left to lay there and contemplate the pain — not a good thing). It was kind of like someone came up to me and whacked me in the head with a lead pipe. Then, rather than being satisfied that I was in enough pain, that person sat there and tapped my head every second or so with the pipe. And it got worse whenever I moved.

Unfortunately, I was still dizzy and headachy this morning, so I stayed home from work. I slept until about 10:30 AM — more than 12 hours of sleep! Feeling somewhat better now, I’m not so dizzy, though I still feel a bit like my head as been under pressure all day.

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