
Posted by barb on Apr 28, 2004 in Memes, Etc. |

I’ve had a clipping from the Minneapolis Star Tribune for years. The title is How to tell if you’re off-center. The criteria, in descending order of importance are:

  1. Noncomforming
  2. Creative
  3. Strongly curious
  4. Idealistic: Wants to make the world better
  5. Happily obsessed with a hobby
  6. Aware from childhood of being different
  7. Intelligent
  8. Opinionated, outspoken
  9. Noncompetitive; doesn’t need society’s reinforcement
  10. Unusual in living and eating habits
  11. Not interested in the company of others
  12. Possesses a mischievous sense of humor
  13. Single
  14. An oldest or only child
  15. A bad speller

I confess that I fit the description for numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 (except a select few people), 12, and 15. At the time I clipped the article, I was also single, and had no desire to find someone — happily, that has changed 🙂

I did a search for Dr. David Weeks, the person the clipping says is responsible for this list, and it turns out that he wrote a book, Eccentrics that I might just want to look into.

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