Felica’s day at the AAS

Posted by barb on May 31, 2005 in Science Musings, Travels |

Felicia presented her poster at the AAS meeting yesterday, so I took a few pictures for her to remember her trip.

Here she is asking a question about the Chandra X-ray Observatory.
Felicia at the Chandra booth

She also stopped at the American Astronomical Society booth to ask about membership.Asking about AAS Membership

When Felicia passed by the Glast booth, she saw that JD was having some trouble with a Python script, so she stopped to help him out.
Felicia helping JD with a Python question

At the end of the day, she had picked up just about every give-away she could find in the Exhibit Hall – she could barely lug her bag back to the car.
Felicia with her loot bag

We’ll post all of her pictures from her big day after we return home next week.

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1 Comment

Jun 1, 2005 at 11:32 am

Imagine my surprise when…

I saw my hubby making a guest apperance on another blog while away from me….
JD is Here.
Hi Hubby! I miss you! (Btw, you look gooooooooooood!!) Ha ha!


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