Quiet Weekend – Gaming and Shopping

Posted by barb on Mar 6, 2006 in Games, Random Thoughts |

Andrew and I wanted to do as much of nothing this weekend as possible, so we rented a couple Playstation 2 games, bought bad-for-us food, and played video games for much of Saturday and Sunday.

We rented Ribbit King, a silly game where you play rounds of frolf (frog golf) on different courses on different worlds. The game can be played either in “story mode” where you’re trying to get ribbinite by playing rounds of frolf against various computer-players. The game can also be played with two players playing rounds of frolf against each other; however, unless you also play in story mode, the number of worlds/courses are limited. Andrew and I both had fun playing, which is difficult given that I’ve played a lot more video games that him, and am generally better at the games, and look for more challenging games.

We also rented Tak 3: The Great Juju Challenge (warning: the web page has music, but it can be turned off), which promised 2-player simlutaneous mode. Unfortuantely, we were unable to figure out how to invoke the 2-player mode until late yesterday. By then, we were mostly gamed out (and Andrew wasn’t feeling particularly well), and the Oscars were close to starting (which I always watch). It’s too bad we didn’t get to play much, because the little bit we did play was pretty fun. It feels a lot like Sypro, my favorite series of games, so the fact that Andrew and I could play Tak 3 together could make it a good game for us to own.

In between playing games, we also did a bit of shopping. The cruise is coming up quickly (two weeks from today we leave for Italy!!!), so we went out to get a few things for that: new walking shoes (which we both found at Timberland – they have an awesome shoe with soles that feel really, really comfy right out of the box – I highly recommend these for anyone looking for good walking shoes), money belts for each of us, a document wallet, a watch for me, and a new memory card for my camera. We also looked for jeans for me, but the only thing I could find were “stretch, flared” jeans – ick – so I made a quick Eddie Bauer order.

We’ve consulted a few web pages on what to pack for a cruise, like this one; but, if there’s anyone out there with some suggestions that either might not be on the list or that you can’t understress the importance of, please leave those in the comments.

So, a productive and relaxing weekend. (Not a usual combination!).


Mar 6, 2006 at 2:34 pm

Collapsing bags for all the cool stuff you are going to find…remember that you can bring two big suitcases each, and two carry-ons – if need be, throw a small wheelie into a big whellie for extra room on the way home. I always underestimate how much I am going to want to bring home.
Also, if you are going to do any underwater stuff (fun, fun, fun!) buy your snorkeling gear and underwater cameras at home. I thought I’d get them cheaper there – wrong. After a rental or two of snorkeling, I could have bought some. And the shops rob you blind on cameras and batteries.

Aug 31, 2006 at 5:22 pm

Very good reading. Peace until next time.


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