Elementary my dear

Posted by barb on Sep 21, 2006 in Crafty Me

I finally finished Andrew’s Sherlock Holmes cloak. I’m very happy with how it turned it – it is the first time I’ve had a collar on a piece of clothing turn out well. Here’s the cloak and Andrew modelling it:

Sherlock Holmes cloak  Andrew in his new cloak

Actually, this cloak was relatively easy to make. The hardest part was just dealing with the sheer volume of fabric.

What’s next? My costume. (Eeep!)

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Scrappy Day

Posted by barb on Aug 12, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

Laurie came out my direction today so we could shop and scrap. Sadly, my normal scrapbook store was completely uninspiring today. They’re supplies seemed to be a bit thin, though they had gotten in a few new papers since I’d been there last. One problem might be that they’re making room for the new stock they’re expecting &#150 scrapbook companies trot out their new lines at a convention in mid-July, and then ship to stores sometime after that, so new stuff should be on its way soon, I assume.

Anyway, despite the uninspiring store, we did walk out with some fun new supplies, and went back to my house where we each worked on a spread. Laurie did an awesome “Connor’s first ballgame” spread, and I worked on a spread with my two nieces.
My cute nieces, scrapbook spread

As usual, we didn’t have enough time together, but we did get re-inspired to work on our own, and are talking about getting together in a couple weeks.

After Laurie headed home, I worked on a second spread of my Halloween pictures from 2003. I’m finished, for now, with the major scrapbooks that I had on my list (i.e. wedding and cruise), so I’m now going back and scrapping my random pictures from each year, going back to about 2003.
Halloween 2003, scrapbook spread



GASC: Saturday

Posted by barb on Jun 24, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

My day started bright an early with a class at 8AM – a very difficult feat after the midnight crop last night. The class was called “What do I do with that?”, and promised to introduce us to various embellishements that we may not have seen before. This class was well worth the early wake-up! The coolest thing the teacher showed us was “magic mesh” – check out the pictures below. We used it as a page decoration with some “confetti” beneath it (I use the term confetti in quotes, because it’s actually more like crinkled up tinsel, but the teacher called it confetti).

What do I do with that? spread What do I do with that? detail_1 What do I do with that? detail_2

I had just 45 minutes between my morning classes, but I popped out to the convention floor, and hit the dollar-scrapping booth, which had been hard to get at yesterday. I found a bunch of cool things there, including “irregular” paper (which was only printed on the wrong stock of paper, not smuged or anything) from Arctic Frog.

My second class was sponsored by Paper Tapestry, a company that supports a village in India where their paper is made. The paper is spectacular, and I ended up buying a supply after the class. In the class, we made mini-books that fit nicely in a box. Check out the pictures:

Paper Tapestry minibook in a box Paper Tapestry minibook in a box_2 Paper Tapestry minibook in a box_3

I have special plans for that book, and will post pictures when it’s done.

After that class, I had a few hours before my third and final class of the day. I was walked around the show floor, buying the things that I’d been thinking about (though, I talked myself out of several things, yay me). I also participated in several make and takes, but couldn’t seem to get in on the one at Little Black Dress. That one was really cool – it cost $4, but was well worth it. The participants made a little mini match-book type book (though larger than a matchbook). They embellished many of the pages with stamps and flowers, but the coolest thing was the front cover. There, they put an embellishment that’s made from that confetti I used in my first class this morning, but rather than just gluing it down, first the make and take teacher would iron a pat of the stuff on an inked stamp, and it turned out really cool. After getting home, I tried it myself, though I haven’t quite gotten the hang of it, the picture will give you an idea (you might need to click through to the larger version to see it better):

Cool new technique

My final class was another mini book. This time it was made from plain papers, but we first folded the papers into a “paper bag”, and then into a book. The book has several places to poke and hide pictures or tags and journaling. We also played around with the EZ distressing inks – I need more practice with it if I’m going to use it, though!

Distressed paper bag mini-book Distressed paper bag mini-book detail

After this class, I stopped by the convention floor again, to see if I could get in on that Little Black Dress mini-class, but it had just begun, and I was too tired to stick around for the half hour that it would take for it to finish up again.

All in all, though, a great convention. I’ll definitely keep an eye out for it again next year (and hopefully Laurie can go with me, at least on Saturday!).



GASC: Friday

Posted by barb on Jun 24, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

I went off to the scrapbook convention today. I had signed up for a bunch of workshops a few weeks ago, and my first one was a 10:30 this morning. The convention show floor officially opened at 10, I arrived at about 10:05, and the parking lot in front of the North Hall (the hall for the convention) was already nearly full. I parked in the back of the South Hall’s lot. Wow!

My first workshop was actually a jewelry-making class, but some of the techniques could be used for scrapbook embellishements. The teacher was great, and I had a lot of fun. Plus, we ended up with a bunch of extra wire to keep and bring home. See pictures below (and click through one to see them all at flickr).

My wire whimsy class My finished wire whimsy bracelet!

After that class, I went to the convention floor and walked around all the booths (and stopped at the Make and Take pavillion a couple of times. I tried not to spend too much, since I knew that I’d be back tomorrow, and I really wanted to try and get things that I can’t get at my normal scrapbook store. The booths were great, though, and I found a bunch of new products (that will be on my birthday and Christmas lists ;-).

My second, and last, workshop for the day was at 4:00PM, and it was a page layout. One big thrust of the class was on adding doodling to pages. The teacher commented that many of the new rub-ons and products that she’s been seeing are basically pre-done doodles, and suggested that we might want to add them ourselves. The page, before the doodles, is really not all that interesting (see picture below), but after doodles it’s pretty cute. I only had time to just barely get going on the doodles, but I have a picture of what I finished in class. I’ll post an “after” picture later, when I’ve finished the doodles.

Game of LIfe spread Game of Life doodles

Before the midnight cropping party, I grabbed a quick dinner at Taco Bell (yum). Then it was back to my car to pick up my cropping supplies, and back into the convention all. I didn’t think I would stay until midnight, but when I finished my second page, it was 10:45, and I thought I could complete the third, and last of Sweetie’s 30th Birthday party pages, before midnight, so I pushed ahead. I did finish (and I think the pages turned out reallly well!), and it was a good thing that I stayed, because I won one of the door prizes during the 11:20 drawings! Yay me!

Here were my table-mates, Heidi and her grandmother Judy, and Donna:
Midnight crop table-mates Judy and Heidi Midnight crop table-mate Donna

One odd thing about the four of us at the table is that we had all lived in either North Dakota or Minnesota (or both). We didn’t know each other before the crop, and just happened to end up at the same table. I suppose it might just be that midwestern nice-ness.

Here are my completed pages:
Finished page 1 - Sweetie's big 3-oh Finished page 2 - Sweetie's big day out Finished page 3 - party at kieran's

All in all, a great day. I’m looking forward to tomorrow , even though I start bright and early at 8AM!!




Posted by barb on Jun 21, 2006 in Crafty Me

As if I needed more scrapping outlets, JD pointed me to Scrapblogs. It’s a site where you can put together online scrapbooks. I decided to try it with pictures from my 1999 trip to swim with dolphins with my aunt. You can see my results, just click the image below (WARNING: that link will launch flash, which, sadly, is the only way to view the scrapbook) [Scrapblog is gone – 1/2014]

The interface was fairly easy to use, but it felt a bit clunky and slow (though that could be that I’m eating 100% of my cpu running data for my thesis). I would also like more choices for stickers, frames and backgrounds. I started with a template for my scrapbook, but then you can add more frames, stickers, and backgrounds; however, the pages for adding more took a while to load. On the other hand, it’s a nice way to display pictures online with a bit of decoration and pizzazz.


Eclipse Scrapbook Done!!!

Posted by barb on Jun 18, 2006 in Crafty Me

I finished the eclipse scrapbook today! Actually, I should say scrapbooks – I had to use two books to fit all the pages. Yay!

Here’s the last page I did – the intro page:
Elipse Cruise Intro page



Scrappin’, scrappin’, scrappin’

Posted by barb on May 28, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

Laurie and I scrapped until we couldn’t scrap any more yesterday. I headed up to her place in the morning, and we promptly headed off to Great Scraps, since any proper scrapping day starts with a trip to the scrapbook store. After lunch, we headed back to her place and scrapped until about 4:30. I finished my Naples/Herculaneum intro page spread, and Laurie did an awesome page from her trip to Myrtle Beach last year with some friends of theirs.

Naples intro spread  Surprise under the Sunrise picture

Then, we packed up our scrapping supplies, and headed off to Recollections in Columbia for their midnight crop. We were both a little nervous about what to expect from a group crop. I mostly scrap alone, and when I’m not alone, I’m with Laurie and/or Sandy. That’s it. We all think our pages and methods are great, but what if the cropping group was catty or snotty?

Turns out our fears were unfounded. The ladies there were a lot of fun. They already had their little cliques, but we felt that if we showed up a few more times, we would easily fall into one of the cliques. Plus, just because the ladies there had their groups, they were more than willing to talk with us and show off their work (and even share their tools, if we’d wanted). I think we’re going to try and make these group crops a regular thing – not every time we get together to scrap, but maybe once every couple of months.



Just Scrappin’

Posted by barb on May 9, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

Light blogging here because I’ve been scrapping almost every night. Yikes. Apparently I don’t have much of a life.

I’ve finished Cyprus and started Rhodes. Here are a couple of my favorites:
Cyprus’ Temple of Apollo
Cyprus spread - Temple of Apollo - left  Cyprus spread - Temple of Apollo - right

Rhodes’ Lindos Acropolis
Rhodes - Temple of Athena spread

As usual, most of my scrapbooking results are on my Flickr page, tagged with “scrapbook”.



Happy National Scrapbooking Day!

Posted by barb on May 6, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

Today is National Scrapbooking Day. To celebrate, my local scrapbook store, Scrapbooks Plus, was offering 20% off perchases made between noon and 4 PM – fortuantely, I didn’t realize that until I was already in line with my purchases.

My own celebration consisted of (besides buying more supplies) finishing my Rome pages and starting my Cyprus pages. Here are today’s results:

Rome Intro spread:
Rome intro spread - right  Rome intro spread - left

Cyprus Intro spread:
Cyprus intro spread - right  Cyprus intro spread - left

Did anyone else out there celebrate?



Scrappin’ at Sandy’s

Posted by barb on Apr 24, 2006 in Crafty Me, Pictures

Saturday was a scrappin’ day.

I started the day by driving up to Laurie’s, so we could check out a scrapbook store near her, Recollections. We spent entirely too much time and money there, so had to grab lunch at the Wendy’s drive-thru, before picking up my car and caravaning over to Sandy’s.

Once at Sandy’s, we looked through our loot again, and checked out the pages each other had done since our last scrapping Saturday, then finally got down to scrapping. I worked on my Egypt pictures from our cruise last month. Laurie did a spread of Connor at the beach. And Sandy plowed ahead of both of us on her pictures from 2004.

Sandy deep in Scrappin'  Me Scrappin' at Sandy's  Laurie Scrappin' at Sandy's

Here are a couple of our results:
Laurie's awesome creation - II  Great Pyramids - Spread 2

A fun, fun way to spend a rainy Saturday!

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