Nails and Uncle Hugo’s

Posted by barb on Nov 5, 2004 in Wedding |

Day 1 in Minnesota —

I woke up quite early this morning, since I’m apparently still on Eastern Time (not surprising, since we flew in late last night) and still on my work schedule. I was hoping to sleep in, considering how late we got in last night (after midnight, Minnesota time), but my body would not cooperate.

Mom and I headed off to get our nails done, dropping Andrew at the nearby Starbucks. No sooner had mom and I finished the drying cycle of our nails, but we had both nicked our freshly painted nails. The person working on Mom’s nails had been smart enough to tell Mom to pay before she painted her nails. However, my person didn’t do the same thing, so I had to fish in my wallet for my credit card. I didn’t have enough singles to tip her, so I asked Mom if she had any, thus making Mom fish through her wallet. We both nicked our nails, and asked the girl to touch them up. We then decided to sit through a second drying cycle.

When we met up with Andrew in Starbucks, we made him buy us each a tea and a treat, since we couldn’t possibly take out our wallets again by ourselves. (Andrew is such a good sport, and so indulgent.)

Next we all went to Uncle Hugo’s, my favorite bookstore in all the world. They have new and used science fiction, fantasy and horror books. They also have a sister store, Uncle Edgars, in the same building that specializes in mysteries, where Mom did her shopping. Andrew floated between both sides of the building. We didn’t actually walk out with any books, but that’s because we bought so many that we had them ship them.

When we arrived home, we tried to help Dad out with reception preparations, but everything seemed to be done except for packing up his truck with everything. Oh, and Mom and I went through all the stuff she’d bought for the kids’ table, and organized it a bit. So, we helped Dad organized everything to be ready to load into the truck, and went to dinner at The Olive Garden in Bloomington.

I had been expecting more to need doing for the reception, so frankly it was a fairly relaxing day. Dad’s almost as organized as I was.

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