Labor Day

Posted by barb on Sep 1, 2003 in Uncategorized |

Dad had a bunch of stuff to get ready since he was now going to Arizona Tues-Thurs and then leaving Friday for his long-awaited fishing trip with “the guys”. Once that was all ready, though, he wanted to do something that might occupy his mind with something other than his sadness over losing his brother yesterday (the reason for the trip to Arizona).

To that end, I dragged Mom and Dad off to see Pirates of the Caribbean. We picked up Sweetie on the way, so I could spend a bit more time with her before heading home tomorrow. This was their first time seeing it, but my second, and frankly, the second was just as good as the first. This time, I made everyone stay through the credits, since Andrew had read that there was something after the credits. So we waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. Mom had time to head off to the ladies’ room, and make it back for at least half of the credits. I won’t give away what’s after the credits, but frankly it wasn’t worth waiting 10 minutes for — wait for the DVD and fast-forward through the credits.

After the movie, we went to Broadway Pizza, which seems to be Mom’s favorite restaurant. Not that I’m complaining — I love pizza, and theirs is quite good.

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