Posted by barb on Jan 4, 2011 in
Random Thoughts
I found this while digging through my Yahoo mail account (which I haven’t used for real mail in years). My BFF, Sweetie, was asked by a guy on how her best friend would describe her, so she went straight to the source. So, this is how I described Sweetie in 2004:
This is actually very difficult, since I could write a book on my Sweetie. Here’s the abbrieviated version:
First of all, she is funny and smart. This makes for great conversations though-provoking at times, silly at times, and always fun.
She’s strong person who has weathered bumps in her life better than any other person I’ve known. When life hands her lemons, she might not make lemonade, but perhaps a nice pan of lemon bars (yum).
She’s the kind of person who, once she calls you a friend, will stand up for you when you need her to. She’s there for the little things like a ride to the airport but also for the big things like holding your hand at a funeral.
Did I mention silly? lovable? fiery (not just with the red hair, either)? I could go on, but hopefully you’ve gotten the idea.
In summary if you’re a good guy, you really want to get to know Sweetie better. And if you get to know her better and you turn out to be a schmuck, I’ll kick your ass (I’m the kind who stands up for my friends, too)
And is it still how I would describe Sweetie? Absolutely, but I’d have to add that she’ll travel across the country just because I miss her, she’s a wonderful Mommie, and even though we don’t talk as much as we’d like, we can always pick up as if no time as passed at all.
Tags: friends
Posted by barb on Feb 19, 2007 in
Random Thoughts
Much of what we did and talked about this weekend is classified, but I can report that Mushi and I had a BIG TIME!
Our first order of business, after dropping a little cash in a local scrapbooking store, was to get ourselves inked. Mushi’s friend had recommended someone, Tony at No Regrets Tattoos, and had warned him that we would be coming by today. He had an artist coming in to interview, so when we stopped by the shop a bit before 1, he told us to come back around 2:30. That gave us a chance to hit B&N to look up animal tracks to help finalize Mushi’s tattoo design. We had to wait a bit after we got back, and got started around 3:30. I went first, cuz Mushi wanted to see the color he used on my vine (see pictures), which she was considering for her tat.
My last tat was done over 10 years ago, so I couldn’t remember how much it hurt, but I remember that it hurt. Also, the one I got today was on my ankle, which I was a bit worried about, since it’s less “fleshy” than my back/shoulder where I had my last one. So, yes, it does hurt. It feels a bit like someone taking an exacto knife and scraping up your skin. The ankle was definitely worse than the shoulder, since as he went around, he hit a bony spot and there seemed to be more nerves closer to the surface in places. I’d often get the “funny bone” weird, hurting as he was doing one bit or another.

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Tags: build-a-bear, friends, trip report
Posted by barb on Oct 21, 2006 in
Random Thoughts
The big 3-5!

Sweetie flew in last night, so she and I headed off this morning to pick up balloons and ice. (I bribed her my noting that there was a Starbucks next to the party store – this got her going without too much cajolling this morning.) When we got back to the house, Crash and Mushi had arrived (a 4-6 hour drive for them, which they did this morning…yikes!). We used the tall boys to help us decorate for the second phase of the party; though, some things were better left to us girls.
Next we took off for lunch and a quick stop at the Hello Kitty porn store (as Mushi calls it), since Mushi wanted to see what new stuff they had. From there, we headed off to Tysons Corner for phase one of the party.
The girls convened at Build a Bear Workshop, while the guys went off and did whatever. Our party leader was great with our bunch of crazy, fun-loving, more-kid-than-adult adults. Oddly enough, none of us actually picked out a bear at Build a BEAR – there were four bunnies, two puppies, and a giraffe. We all danced while we stuffed our “bears”:

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Tags: birthday, build-a-bear, friends
Posted by barb on Oct 20, 2006 in
Random Thoughts
Wondering why things have been quiet ’round here? I’ve been cleaning like an idiot so that we can have PARTY this weekend. A birthday party to be exact…for me! I’m not sure if it’s really sad that I’m throwing myself a party or not, but I frankly don’t care. My best friends are coming into town for the day, and, of course, friends from the area. The girls are starting at Build a Bear, and then we’ll all be at our house for dinner, cake, booze, games, whatever.
I’m soooo looking forward to tomorrow! (And tonight, since Sweetie gets in tonight…w00t!)
[Update (2:40pm): We have cake!!!!]
Tags: birthday, friends
Posted by barb on Apr 24, 2006 in
Crafty Me,
Saturday was a scrappin’ day.
I started the day by driving up to Laurie’s, so we could check out a scrapbook store near her, Recollections. We spent entirely too much time and money there, so had to grab lunch at the Wendy’s drive-thru, before picking up my car and caravaning over to Sandy’s.
Once at Sandy’s, we looked through our loot again, and checked out the pages each other had done since our last scrapping Saturday, then finally got down to scrapping. I worked on my Egypt pictures from our cruise last month. Laurie did a spread of Connor at the beach. And Sandy plowed ahead of both of us on her pictures from 2004.

Here are a couple of our results:

A fun, fun way to spend a rainy Saturday!
Tags: friends, scrapping
Posted by barb on Mar 14, 2006 in
Crafty Me,
Last night Laurie came over to scrapbook. Normally we wouldn’t be able to get together on a “school night”, but she was in my part of town for some training and came over after her class.
We immediately made a large mess of scrapbooking supplies in my living room:

(This picture does not do justice to the amount of stuff we had strewn about the living room – maybe Laurie’s pictures will show it better)
Most of my scrapbooking is done solo, and I have to admit that I loved having someone else there to poke for ideas. Laurie worked on a page of Connor’s “first sit”, and I worked on a wedding rehearsal spread. Here she is laying out her page:

And here are our results:

We’re not going to be able to get together again until April, and I can hardly wait!
Tags: friends, scrapping
Posted by barb on Jul 9, 2005 in
My co-worker’s, Lorna’s, daughter got married today in a lovely wedding in Lorna’s back yard. I’m sure Lorna was panicking yesterday as we got the leftover rains from Hurricane Cindy, but it dried up fairly well for today, and was a beautiful day (if just a bit hot and humid).
The cake was really cool — a castle for their “fairy-tale” wedding…complete with dragon:

We spend much of the wedding hanging out with JD, Laurie, and Connor. Here’s JD and Connor saying “hi” to a very stressed out mother-of-the-bride.

And the happy couple just before their first dance (Jenny was passing off her flowers for the dance).

We wish Jenny and Jeremy the very best!
Tags: friends
Posted by barb on Apr 9, 2005 in
My best friend, Sweetie, turned 30 last Thursday, so I flew in to MN for a big bash. I won’t go into the gory details, but we started the day with lunch at Cossetta’s, one of Sweetie’s favorite restaurants, and then embarked on a journey chronicling our favorite memories with her.

After our journey, we met up with a bunch of Sweetie’s other friends at Keiran’s Irish Pub, where we got her a bit drunk.

I have an album of my pictures from the day up in my photo album.
Tags: birthday, friends, trip report