Weekend at Mushi’s

Posted by barb on Feb 19, 2007 in Pictures, Random Thoughts |

Much of what we did and talked about this weekend is classified, but I can report that Mushi and I had a BIG TIME!

Our first order of business, after dropping a little cash in a local scrapbooking store, was to get ourselves inked. Mushi’s friend had recommended someone, Tony at No Regrets Tattoos, and had warned him that we would be coming by today. He had an artist coming in to interview, so when we stopped by the shop a bit before 1, he told us to come back around 2:30. That gave us a chance to hit B&N to look up animal tracks to help finalize Mushi’s tattoo design. We had to wait a bit after we got back, and got started around 3:30. I went first, cuz Mushi wanted to see the color he used on my vine (see pictures), which she was considering for her tat.

My last tat was done over 10 years ago, so I couldn’t remember how much it hurt, but I remember that it hurt. Also, the one I got today was on my ankle, which I was a bit worried about, since it’s less “fleshy” than my back/shoulder where I had my last one. So, yes, it does hurt. It feels a bit like someone taking an exacto knife and scraping up your skin. The ankle was definitely worse than the shoulder, since as he went around, he hit a bony spot and there seemed to be more nerves closer to the surface in places. I’d often get the “funny bone” weird, hurting as he was doing one bit or another.

I think that was a nerve! Almost there...

Mushi’s took a lot less time than mine – she had somewhat less detail and only one color (I had seven — black, brown, green, blue, pomegranite, yellow and white). But the part of hers right next to her neck was very painful.

Ouch! Last claw

Tony did an excellent job. Mine is already looking better than my shoulder one did after 3 months of healing. I’m not sure if that’s a testament to the tattoo artist, or if it’s because of the placement, or if my body has become less allergic to the ink/inking process. I’m going to credit at least some of it to Tony. He even posed for a couple pictures of him tattooing Jo!

Tony working on Jo Bandaging Jo's final product

Our final tats:
Barb's final - right side Mushi's final -- all

After getting inked, we headed home to scrapbook for the evening. Sunday was shopping (to get out of the way for a couple showings of Mushi’s house) and more scrapping. Home today on the train (and, frankly, a much better ride than Friday, since I got to play Zoo Tycoon 2 for several hours).

All of my pictures from the weekend are here.

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