Rings and Registry

Posted by barb on Apr 24, 2004 in Wedding |

We went to two malls today…yikes!

First we went up to Tyson’s Corner Mall where Andrew had bought my engagement ring. The Bailey Banks & Biddle was having a special “event” today and we wanted to see what kind of deal they were offering on the rings we wanted. We were able to get both of our rings at a 10% discount, so we went ahead and ordered my ring (mine is, of course, a special order), and picked up a ring for Andrew.

While we were there, I also asked if there was something we could do with the diamond that my Mom passed down to me from Grandma’s first marriage. It was a fairly small diamond, so we decided to have a pendant made with it. There will be a teardrop-shaped opal (my birthstone) with the diamond mounted on the top of the teardrop. For now I didn’t get a chain, but I’ll used one of my silver ones from home….hopefully it won’t make me break out too much (I’m allergic to all metals that I’ve used except platinum. Unfortunately, the platinum chain, by itself, was going to cost $460! Perhaps Andrew will get me one as an anniversary present someday.)

From there, we went to Fair Oaks Mall to register at JC Penney. (The Penney’s at Tyson’s Corner closed about a year ago.) That was fun, though I was getting tired by the time we finished. We still need to register at Bed, Bath, and Beyond, for some of the smaller kitchen items, some of the small electronics, and the bedding that we want.

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