Biking to Ashburn

Posted by barb on Aug 13, 2005 in Biking, Pictures |

Andrew and I took the bikes out this morning, despite the heat and humidity. I wanted to see more of the W & OD trail, so we packed up the bikes and drove out to Andrew’s office in Herndon. The trail passes really close to his office, and we’d biked past it once before this summer, but that was near the end of our trip. I quite like taking the trail from Herdon because there are fewer road crossings to contend with. The area, while not completely rural, is at least not completely built up yet. There were also a lot of flowers out this morning — way more than I’d seen on my last trek on my bike.

White Wild Flowers  &nbsp Lavender Wild Flowers

Total miles: 17.2 miles (my longest so far…we might just make my goal of 20 miles by the end of the season!)


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