Artemis does not have a diaphragmatic hernia. In fact, she may not have any problems at all, other than a curved-in chest cavity (so smaller lung capacity) and perhaps some scar tissue. If she were diseased, then there ought to have been some change in the last 6 months, but her chest cavity looks exactly the same as it did in her previous x-rays. Plus, she’s gained a little weight since then (she certainly didn’t need to gain waight, but the vet pointed out that often weight loss is a symptom of disease).
So, it looks like we have a healthy kitty who just has some trouble breathing because her lungs are smaller than they should be. Yay! (for the healthy kitty, not the smaller lungs) We’ll keep an eye on her, as we always do, but there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong. < sigh of relief >
Good to hear she’s healthy. Oh, the drama of the pets! 😉
Yay!! Give her a big hug from Auntie Sweetie!