Ares the Intrepid Explorer

Posted by barb on May 24, 2006 in Cute Pets, Pictures |

Ares enjoying the great outdoors

The weather was finally nice enough after work that I could sit out at our new deck table with Ares. Ares and Artemis used to go out on the balcony at my apartment all the time. I had taught them that it wasn’t okay to put their paws up on the railing (yup, cats *can* be taught) and they needed to stay away from the edge. (Plus, we were only on the second floor, so I was pretty sure they would be okay if they did happen to jump down.) It got to a point where I would just leave the balcony door open, and just let them come in an out as they pleased.

Since we moved to the house, though, I haven’t felt like I could bring the cats out, because we don’t really trust Duncan – though, I think it might be time to try and teach him like I did with Ares and Artemis. Today I decided to just let Ares out, since I was pretty sure I could trust him, though I do need to teach him a bit about what he can do and what he can’t (i.e. he can jump up on the built-in bench, but he can’t jump up on the flower box). He had a great time rolling around in the random detritus on the deck, exploring the sad planters filled with weeds, and rubbing his cheeks against the rake we have out there.

The picture with this post is Ares attacking the sad, weed-filled planter. What a little guy.


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