The Train has Grown Up
Many of you who’ve known me for more than a few years have heard about my fun experiences on the train while I lived in New Mexico. I only took the train once from New Mexico to Minnesota, but that was enough. The trip consisted of two legs a 24-hour trip from Albuquerque to Chicago, and an 8-hour trip from Chicago to Minneapolis. On both my outgoing long trip and home-bound long trip creepy men hounded me…for the whole 24-hour trip.
This is why I felt very brave of me to take the train to Boston. However, if things did go badly, the trip was only 7 hours, so I had some hope that it wouldn’t be too bad. (That, and Andrew will be joining me for the return trip, so he can protect me then.)
As it turned out, though, my fears were unfounded. I don’t know if that’s because I was on the Acela Express (translation: business class), or because I was on the quiet car (no cell phones, no loud conversations), or because the train has just become a better experience. Either way, I’ll be happy to take the train again…at least in business class, and for relatively short trips.
Tonight I’m staying at the Sharaton Commander Hotel. Tomorrow? Off to the Harvard dorms. Ick. I didn’t like dorms as a “young college student”…I’m not expecting to like it much as an old grad student.