Fall is near
Someone seems to have flipped the weather switch. We went from hot, humid, and hazy to cool and rainy overnight sometime a couple weeks ago. I kept hoping that it was just temporary, that summer would come back, but I’ve been sorely disappointed. That, and my week of migraines that accompanies the beginning fall happened Labor Day week. I can’t bear to think that this will happen twice this year.
I’ve also started feeling inexplicably sad. I really don’t want to call my doctor yet for Prozac maybe it’s just the change in weather, and I’ll feel better soon. Right? Right? I didn’t start until October last year.
I already miss summer, and technically it doesn’t end for another two weeks.
It’s not all bad, though, right? The windows are open more often, letting in the crips smell of the outdoors. Ares has started snuggling at the computer again. He’s also been on the bed a couple of nights (Artemis and Duncan stay on the bed almost year round, at least for part of the night). I stopped at Target a couple weeks ago and bought a bunch of school supplies I love office supplies, and the selection is soooo much better in the fall. The new TV seasons are starting. Biking is less a sweaty sport these mornings. Oh, and Halloween is on its way, and I’m making new costumes for me and Andrew.