Off in Minnesota

Posted by barb on Jun 28, 2006 in Travels |

I flew to Minnesota this morning. Mom was supposed to be home alone next week on vacation – the original plan was for her to go visit Dad in Colorado over the 4th, then Dad’s job got put off until he wouldn’t be able to take that week off, so Mom was going to be alone at home with a week’s vacation. Finally, the job’s been postponed again, so Dad will be in , but Dad’s job in Colorado has gotten postponed so that he won’t be there next week. Anyway, when we thought Mom was going to be alone for that week, I decided to come out and visit. Mom made a plan for us to drive to Chicago to see the King Tut exhibit at the Field Museum. Even though Dad was still home, we decided to go forward with our girls’ weekend.

Sofia opening her birthday presents

So, here I am in Minnesota for a couple days before Mom, Gram and I drive off to Chicago. I’ve spent most of the day going through Dad’s pictures from the last twelve years. Dad has this bad habit of taking pictures, developing them, and then…well…nothing. They sit. For a long time, they sat in paper bags, completely unsorted. Dad organized them a bit when I told him I wanted to go through the pictures of the time we went to that Canadian fishing lodge. My real goal is to grab pictures of Allie and Sammy – our cats who recently died. Allie died earlier this year; she was 18 years old. Sammy died last year, and she was 16 years old. They were our first cats. And I want to put together a little scrapbook for Mom (in fact, I’m using the mini-book I made at the scrapbook convention last week).

This evening, Dave and Jen came over with Kira and Sofia. Since Sofia’s birthday is next month, I brought my presents for her so i could watch her open them. What fun! She’s so cute with her presents. She even loved the outfit I gave her, hugging it to herself right after opening it. Kira helped her little sister with her presents, and showed her how to make the little cat stuffed toy “meow”.

Then we all went out to dinner at Macaroni Grill, meeting Kevin and Brock and Amy, Halley, and Eric there. We had a great time, and Kevin even brought me one of the button candy strips from the 40th Birthday Retro Candy Box I sent out for his birthday earlier this month.

Kira and Dave_1 Me and my silliest neice and silliest nephew


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