My Birthday!

Posted by barb on Oct 25, 2003 in Uncategorized |

Well, I turned 32 today.

Andrew and I started the day with a bike ride. After the bike ride, we went for a birthday breakfast at Anita’s, a New Mexican restaurant in town. They have wonderful breakfasts! I had a breakfast chimi with eggs, veggies and potatoes wrapped in a tortilla and fried (it’s my birthday…I can be a little bit bad). My breakfast also came with an apple-filled chimi, so I shared this with Andrew. Yum.

I had a make-up sax lesson this afternoon, so after we got back home, I showered and practiced.

The we went off to the mall. We had a couple errands to do, but our main reason for going was that I wanted my birthday dinner at Uno’s Pizza. After dinner, we went off to Target, my favorite store in just about the whole world (not that I’ve seen much of the world…). I picked up a copy of the Indiana Jones trilogy and the new Barenaked Ladies CD.

Then it was time for cake and presents. Andrew was very naughty, and got me a new iSight, so that I can chat with my parents, once we get our computers all set up (Mom and Dad have been having internet trouble, and I still need to pick up iChat AV). Dad’s been after me to get a working camera since they got their web cam, so now I can get after him to get his internet happy.

All in all a very fun day!

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