Lesson 02/11/04

Posted by barb on Feb 13, 2004 in Saxophone |

The last couple months I’ve felt like I haven’t really made any progress. Last week after my lesson I decided that no matter what, I was going to come into this week’s lesson with a good attitude and be ready to play a duet or two. That’s exactly what I did. I actually felt fairly confident with both duets we played, even though I messed up in a couple spots (though in one case I recovered pretty quickly, and in the other case Fred compensated by dropping a note).

The bad news is that I’m starting to find that my old horn is getting in the way. We fixed some of the problems with the new mouthpiece, and I’ve been able to get some of the notes to play in tune just by the pressure on the reed. However, the upper register is just plain out of tune, and it’s making the duets sound kind of crappy. I’m going to look into getting a new sax with my tax return, even though it was all supposed to go into the wedding fund.

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