
Posted by barb on May 10, 2004 in Random Thoughts |

This is not a political blog — in fact, I’d be hard pressed to say what kind of blog this is, but I never talk about politcal stuff. In general, I feel like I don’t have anything new to add to the discussion. I sometimes wonder if I should bring things up from time to time.

My feelings about the current administration are no secret to my friends and family — I’m jumping on board the I’ll-vote-for-anyone-as-long-as-they-can-get-Bush-out-of-office bandwagon. I’m not voting issues this time around. I’m voting for whichever candidate can defeat Bush.

We all know why — our country’s eroding relations with the rest of the world, the Iraq invasion, the refusal to admit that there was poor-planning for the Iraq aftermath, the continued refusal to acknowledge that we either need to get out or send reinforcements to clean up the mess we created, the prisoner abuse in Iraq, the international gag rule, the continued attacks on pro-choice and other women’s health issues, the asinine moon/Mars plan that’s killing other worthwhile science at NASA, ….need I go on?

Do I have anything new to add to any of these issues? No. Others have said it all better than I could, but I wanted to add my voice to the others raising in protest. We need to continue to be angry. We need to continue to raise our voices. We need to vote out the current administration in November. We need to get our country out of the hands of the bumbling idiots.

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