Proposal-writing hell
Currently being sucked into the 6th level of hell — that’s the one reserved for scientists writing proposals. I’m not the actual scientist writing the proposal, but I’m getting sucked in because I agreed to help out…the only end in sight is at 1PM tomorrow when another scientist is bringing the proposals down to HQ. Please say an uplifting spell for me…
UPDATE — 7:52 PM: Still here. No end in sight. Jack (the PI) still hasn’t read over more than the first three pages of the proposal…no one has read to the end…eyes are getting crusty…
UPDATE — 12:13 AM: Still here. Actually, I’m taking a bit of a break. Yay Lorna! She left me an apple and some cookies. I’m going to go splash some water on my face, and then get back to it.
UPDATE — 2:08 AM: If I closed my eyes for a couple seconds, I think I would fall asleep. Must keep up with the caffiene…
UPDATE — 3:40 AM: Almost up for 24 hours now…just another 2 hours. My head is swimming…
UPDATE — 4:51 AM: Just asked Magic 8 Ball if I’d be getting out of here any time soon…it said “Doubt It”. Crap. Magic 8 Ball is never wrong.
UPDATE — 5:55 AM: Busy collating CVs…no, that doesn’t mean that we are almost done. No, this is just something I can do while Jack continues reading through the text (he hasn’t actually read through the whole thing yet…ugh).
UPDATE — 7:38 AM: Been here almost 24 hours now. At this point I don’t really want to leave until 10AM due to the morning rush-hour, but I’m not sure things will be done even by then. I hate scientists… (yes, I am one, but not “one of them” yet)