Madlib Meme

Posted by barb on Jun 13, 2005 in Memes, Etc. |

JD tagged me for this one.

A typical day for Barb

On a typical day I wake up, wash the boogers from my big toe and put on my sock. I say goodbye to Orlando Bloom and I hopped on my scooter to a vet office where I am a Support Scientist. I feel itchy about what I do, sure I’d rather be a Head Asshole in Charge in Egypt, but this pays the bills and buys me lots of batteries that I can rebuke.

My morning is pretty sunny. Aside from my π/4 trips to the game room to apply deoderant and my angry encounter with Mushi it’s just the same every day.

I break for lunch and draw with Donna over a angry plate of magic mushrooms. A quick jaunt to Hartford to smooch with Sweetie, who’s a total genie, and it’s back to the grind, until 3 PM when I jump in my crunchy pink bus and head for home.

My evening is spent exercise and listening to Barenaked Ladies while hopping on one foot around laundry room wishing I was Einstein and drinking all sorts of chai. Then its off to bed where I dream of cats and Wil Wheaton in a teddy.

Passed to:

  • Sweetie
  • Mushi (though Mushi is really busy with work, so it might be a while until she can get to it)

The Instructions:

Take the following and fill in your own blanks, try not to read as you fill. Post this, let everyone know who sent it to you and send it on to three more people. Have fun.

The Madlib:

A typical day for (your name).

On a typical day I wake up, wash the (sticky substance) from my (body part) and put on my (piece of clothing). I say goodbye to (celebrity) and I (method of travel) to a (place) where I am a (your job title). I feel (adjective) about what I do, sure I’d rather be a (any job title) in (city, state or country), but this pays the bills and buys me lots of (plural noun) that I can (verb).

My morning is pretty (adjective). Aside from my (number) trips to the (room in home or building) to (something you do in the bathroom) and my (adjective) encounter with (a blogger you kow well) it’s just the same every day.

I break for lunch and draw with (someone with a Web site who’s not really a blogger) over a (adjective) plate of magic mushrooms. A quick jaunt to (place) to (some kind of personal interaction) with (blogger who you consider a friend), who’s a total (something you dress up as for Halloween), and it’s back to the grind, until (time in the afternoon) when I jump in my (adjective) (color) (vehicle or mode of transportation) and head for home.

My evening is spent (something you do at home) and listening to (band or musical artist) while (activity) around (room in house) wishing I was (someone you admire) and drinking all sorts of (beverage). Then it’s off to bed where I dream of (plural noun) and (a Web celebrity) in a (clothing item).


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