Ho-Hum, Another 20 Miles

Posted by barb on Aug 28, 2005 in Biking |

We weren’t able to go out biking yesterday, due to the rain. For a while this morning, it looked like we might not get out today, either. But, at about 10 AM, it started looking better outside, and the sun peeked out for a little while. In the end, we decided to head out and the rain stayed away just for us.

Me in my new biking outfit

After making our 20-mile goal last week, I decided that I deserved some real biking clothes. I’ve hesitated buying them because I have a hard time thinking of myself as a “real” cyclist. I finally decided that that was silly – Andrew and I have been out on the bikes nearly every weekend this summer, often both on Saturday and Sunday, and we have powered through some of the hottest weather out there. We’re real cyclists. I may not go as fast as a lot of the cyclists out there, but who cares? That shouldn’t mean that I have to forego the benefits of cycling clothes.

Bright pink wildflower on the W&OD

So, here I am with my cute new cycling outfit. I rather enjoyed it, too. The shirt and under-shorts (I bought the “baggy” shorts that have an under-layer of typical cycling material and an over-layer so I’m not out there with way-too-tight shorts) are made of a material that’s supposed to wick away moisture, and I think it really worked – it almost felt like I was’t wearing anything at all, which is probably the point of the cycling-clothing material.

We made 20 miles again, taking the same route as last week. I think we did it a bit faster, too, though I don’t have confirmation of that. (Though, Andrew felt the same way.) I think next weekend we’ll try to up the milage a little, maybe with a bit longer break in the middle.

Total miles: 20.0 miles



Aug 29, 2005 at 8:43 am

By the way, I looked at the Reston Bike Club this morning, confirming that they were the group responsible for all the riders on the trail yesterday.
According to the brochure, they had routes of 31, 63, and 100 miles, all starting from Reston Town Centre. 31 miles is almost in our range, and almost certainly will be within our reach by this time next year. (I think 31 miles = 50 km, so it’s half a metric century.)
Exact routes weren’t given, but I think the century ride went out to the end of the W&OD and then onto the roads; the brochure mentions Purcellville, Round Hill, Lovettsville, and Waterford. That would be a nice ride, especially if you’re in a group large enough to make cars drive sensibly.

Aug 29, 2005 at 12:47 pm

Oh, and I like that you had yet another startling run-in with wildlife; this time, with that rabbit that jumped out in front of you just after we got off the trail. Next week it’ll be a wildebeest; I just know it…

Aug 30, 2005 at 2:31 pm

I almost forgot about the bunny &#150 it was almost a non-event next to the deer last week.


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