Posted by barb on Dec 17, 2017 in
On our day-long quest in Chobe for elephants, we nearly turned up empty on the elephants, but we did see a lot of other animals. These silly warthog piglets were a little more afraid of our safari truck than their mama – the high-tailed to the other side of mama when we drove by.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Dec 10, 2017 in
These are, by far, my favorite zebra pictures from our entire trip. We stumbled upon them while driving around looking for the big cats one morning at Kwara. We were closer to them than anywhere else.
The cattle egrets look like friends of the zebras, though they really are just capitalizing on the fact that the zebras kick up a lot of bugs as they walk through the grass.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Dec 3, 2017 in
While we were watching this dignified cat, he decided to roll over, and I was lucky enough to capture a few shots of his belly.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Nov 26, 2017 in
The evening of our full day in Nxai Pan, we found a couple of kori bustards – the national bird of Botswana. Our guide explained that there were a few birds up for that honor, and the kitty bustards was chosen because of it’s association with royalty. It was generally reserved for the chief’s table. It is also the largest flying bird native to Africa.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Nov 19, 2017 in
One of the big groups of elephants we found at Chobe had a couple of babies – this one stepped under its mama to nurse for a quick minute.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Nov 12, 2017 in
We spied this handsome reedbuck on our of our evening drives at Pom Pom Camp. We were told that reedbuck are designed for hiding in the reeds along the side of the water. They are good at jumping, and can bounce off crocodiles, so they don’t worry about hanging out along the side of the water. I have no idea of this is true, but sounded good to me!
Off to the right, that’s a termite mound, which is exactly what it sounds like. I have no desire to get close enough to figure out if it’s an active mound or not.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Nov 5, 2017 in
On our first full day drive in Chobe, we spied a group of giraffes. I was constantly surprised by how they were both taller than I expected and not as tall as I expected. This beauty was right where I expected – just above the nearby tree!

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Oct 29, 2017 in
The leopards we saw were…um…in the midst of an extended intimate encounter. However, between each session, they would separate and rest. The rest wouldn’t last long, but it was long enough to snap some pictures of them looking relaxed.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Oct 22, 2017 in
This lion is one of the two brothers that was holding the area around Pom Pom Camp when we visited. Our guide pulled the truck to be about 10 feet away from them. Being this close brings home how hard their lives are. Flies swarm their faces. His canine is chipped. Their faces are crisscrossed with scars and a fresh cut or two. Such a contradiction to the power they emanate and the fear they evoke.

Tags: safari, safari sunday
Posted by barb on Oct 15, 2017 in
Our second-to-last camp was in one of the salt pans – Nxai Pan – which had already seen a significant rain. This meant that many of the animals had moved on from the large watering holes we could access from the roads of the national park (no off-roading here!). But, the park had a number of baobab trees, and we had a chance to get out near one to check it out up-close.
One legend has it that the Great Spirit gave each animal a tree to plant on Earth. He gave the hyena the baobab, and this trickster planted it upside down.

Tags: safari, safari sunday