Posted by barb on Nov 22, 2004 in
I’ve finally posted the pictures from the Minnesota reception — not the ones from the table cameras (Dad still needs to send those to me), but the ones from my camera, Dad’s camera (taken by Brock at the reception itself), and Dick’s camera.
I also finally posted my blog entries for the reception: Recpetion Prep, Minnesota Reception, and Bridezilla in the Museum.
Posted by barb on Nov 9, 2004 in

We’re back from MN and have a bunch of fun pictures. I’ll post more later…
Posted by barb on Nov 7, 2004 in
Day 3 in Minnesota –
We spent a fairly quiet day, starting by opening our wedding gifts and packing up the gifts and reception mementos to ship back to our place in Virginia. For the most part people gave us cash or gift cards, since they knew we’d be travelling. We did get a few nice gifts, though, including a Gorham crystal centerpiece bowl, a courtesy basket with salt, sugar, bread, sponges and a frame (to go along with a saying about always having something to eat, having sweetness and spice, etc.), and a few things from our registry.
Sweetie came over and we went to dinner that evening. First Sweetie and I exorcised some of her bad-marriage demons, and later Andrew and I went with her to exorcise and even larger bad-marriage demon — I won’t give details, but Sweetie is ready to move on, and we got rid of a few things that might have gotten in the way of that. Yay, Sweetie!
Posted by barb on Nov 6, 2004 in
After the reception, my mom and dad, their friends Dick and Sharon, Sweetie, Andrew and I ran around the museum and took pictures of Andrew and me still in our wedding clothes.
Our first stop was the IMAX theater — Dad was off packing up the car, so I hopped in line and got our tickets. Hee hee hee…I wish we could have gotten a picture of the face on the guy behind the counter when I first walked up. You’d think they never get brides in line.
I found out later from some of the other guests that they had caught the IMAX show that exited as we were milling aobut in the lobby. They heard a father telling his daughter, “You’ve seen the princess long enough. We need to go now.”

After the IMAX movie, we headed straight downstairs to the dinosaurs, catching a brilliant sunset on the way.

We ran around the rest of the museum, and got a whole bunch of great pictures. Here are a few.

Posted by barb on Nov 6, 2004 in
Today we had our reception for my family and friends in Minnesota. We decided early on to have this reception for two reasons: first, we wanted a fairly intimate wedding and reception here with only close family and friends, and second we knew that many people wouldn’t be able to take the time and expense of travelling out for the wedding.
The reception was held in the Discovery Hall at the Science Museum of Minnesota. My family has been members of the museum for more than twenty years, plus, of course, I’m a scientist, so it seemed the perfect place for the reception. The Discovery Hall has a lovely view of the Mississippi River and a terrace that we were able to use for pictures.

We we arrived, some of the guests were already there, but Andrew and Dad had been there for a couple hours overseeing the set-up. It was a lot of fun to see some of my old friends who I only keep up with through Christmas cards. I also got to catch up with some of my parents’ friends who I haven’t seen since I played with their kids while our parents had silly parties.
Perhaps the most special guest, to me, was Greg Greer, the man responsible for getting me into physics. He was a physics instructor at Normandale Community College, and when I first took his class I was there only to fulfill the math/science requirements for an Associate of Arts degree. I took the second quarter physics class ‘just for fun’. Now, here I am, working toward my PhD in astronomy at NASA. I don’t know if either of us thought it would come to this!
Since we didn’t have the whole wedding party for a head table, we decided to modify the traditional head table. In addition to me, Andrew, and Sweetie, we had my parents and grandmothers…and two very special kids, my nephew and niece.

After dinner, Andrew and I walked around to the tables. I must confess that I didn’t know everyone there, especially members of my Mom’s extended family, but most of them knew that I might not remember them and introduced themselves to Andrew (and me…) They served the cake while we were walking around, and a couple kids gave us a gift from the kids’ table (a sand art picture of a rocket and astronaut — way cool).
Just after the cake, Dad started up a photo montage that they’d had made of me and Andrew from pictures of us throughout our childhoods. This might not have been so bad, but the Discovery Hall has a huge disco screen, so there I was in all my childish glory on a 20-foot by 15-foot (or so) screen. There isn’t much in life quite as humbling as that!
Andrew and I grabbed our cake after that (with Sweetie yelling at me to eat and shooing people away — I love Sweetie!), and then we went out on the terrace to take a few pictures. It was a lovely day outside, and with the view of the Mississippi it was the perfect place for some pictures.

It was a very nice reception, and I can highly recommend the Science Museum for anyone thinking about it. Dad actually did all the planning and coordinating, but he was very happy with the people at the museum. Another plus of having a function there is that all of the guests get wristbands to see the exhibit free. And, if that’s not enough, they can get tickets for the IMAX show for just $4.50, the price of adding the show on to an already paid-for museum admission.

Posted by barb on Nov 6, 2004 in
We didn’t have Mushi or Suzanne, but Mom, Sweetie and I still braved the salon for our hair much as we did for the wedding and reception in Virginia.

My appointment was for 8:15 AM, and we didn’t get out of there until about 9:45, so we rushed home to do make-up and get dressed. We didn’t get out of the house until about 10:45 and we were supposed to be at the reception by 11:30. The drive to the Science Museum would normally have only taken 25-30 minutes, but Dad had steered us wrong in the directions. Fortunately Sweetie knew how to recover, since she used to live in St. Paul, and we were only ten minutes late. Hee hee hee. Nothing like making Dad panic!
Posted by barb on Nov 5, 2004 in
Day 1 in Minnesota —
I woke up quite early this morning, since I’m apparently still on Eastern Time (not surprising, since we flew in late last night) and still on my work schedule. I was hoping to sleep in, considering how late we got in last night (after midnight, Minnesota time), but my body would not cooperate.
Mom and I headed off to get our nails done, dropping Andrew at the nearby Starbucks. No sooner had mom and I finished the drying cycle of our nails, but we had both nicked our freshly painted nails. The person working on Mom’s nails had been smart enough to tell Mom to pay before she painted her nails. However, my person didn’t do the same thing, so I had to fish in my wallet for my credit card. I didn’t have enough singles to tip her, so I asked Mom if she had any, thus making Mom fish through her wallet. We both nicked our nails, and asked the girl to touch them up. We then decided to sit through a second drying cycle.
When we met up with Andrew in Starbucks, we made him buy us each a tea and a treat, since we couldn’t possibly take out our wallets again by ourselves. (Andrew is such a good sport, and so indulgent.)
Next we all went to Uncle Hugo’s, my favorite bookstore in all the world. They have new and used science fiction, fantasy and horror books. They also have a sister store, Uncle Edgars, in the same building that specializes in mysteries, where Mom did her shopping. Andrew floated between both sides of the building. We didn’t actually walk out with any books, but that’s because we bought so many that we had them ship them.
When we arrived home, we tried to help Dad out with reception preparations, but everything seemed to be done except for packing up his truck with everything. Oh, and Mom and I went through all the stuff she’d bought for the kids’ table, and organized it a bit. So, we helped Dad organized everything to be ready to load into the truck, and went to dinner at The Olive Garden in Bloomington.
I had been expecting more to need doing for the reception, so frankly it was a fairly relaxing day. Dad’s almost as organized as I was.
Posted by barb on Nov 1, 2004 in

This is the hutch we bought with the wedding gift money and some of the remainder of our wedding savings. We’ll be using it to store some of our linens and the small appliances we don’t use terribly often so that we can free up some counter and cupboard space.
Posted by barb on Oct 14, 2004 in
We met with the photographer and his wife this evening to pick up our proof-prints of the wedding! We are very pleased with the resulting pictures, especially the ones from the ceremony. We were worried that none of the pictures from the ceremony would turn out, since we had the lights dimmed for the stars to show in the planetarium. However, Tom and Tess did a great job with their cameras, with limited use of the flash (only used 4 times during the ceremony), and with directing the wedding party to stand still so that the pictures had a chance of turning out.
This one was taken with natural light (the light of three candle-lanterns and the officiant’s book light):

Another fun picture with the stormtrooper cut-out:

And pictures of the bubble send-off, which are the first pictures of that we’ve seen!

We’re very happy with the pictures, and are looking forward to picking pictures for albums and scrapbooking in the upcoming days/weeks.
Posted by barb on Oct 14, 2004 in
My morning radio show trotted out a statistic that 82% of couples who smash wedding cake into each other’s faces get divorced. Not sure where they got that number, but it makes me glad that Andrew and I were grown-up enough not to do it.